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Gran Hotel Camaguey Hotel
Gran Hotel Camaguey Hotel
Camaguey, Camaguey
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from 66.00 €/night
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The predominant climate of Camagüey, being part of the West Indies subregion, is that of tropical grasslands, where the amount of solar radiation over the surface is determining. In the same way, the province is subject to the seasonal influence of continental artic air masses during the winter.
The mean annual air temperature barely ranges between 25 and 26° C (77and 79° F). However, annual average rainfall is higher along the coastal territories to the south of Bahía La Gloria, ranging from 1200 to 1400 mm (47 to 55 in), and descends towards the neighboring zones of Bahía de Nuevitas and Cayo Sabinal, varying from 1000 to 1200 mm (39 to 47 in).
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